About Course Withdrawal

In the enrollment policy defined for a course, you can check the options to allow learners to withdraw and, optionally, prompt them for a reason when they do so. If an enrolled learner decides to withdraw from the course, it may be useful for the organizer to know the reason for the withdrawal.

When defining an enrollment policy for a course, the following options determine when a learner or participant can withdraw their enrollment.

Table: Options for allowing learners or participants to withdraw the enrollment

Option Description
Allow user to WITHDRAW Allows learners to withdraw their enrollments when they are enrolled, and also when the enrollment is awaiting approval, before starting the course.
Allow status changes to be made at any time (for example, ignore standard business rules) Allows learners to change their enrollment at any time. For example, it allows participants to withdraw from the course after starting it.

You can report on withdrawals from the Report Wizard by selecting the Withdrawn User Details report type.

Recording Withdrawals

To record withdrawals in the learner's transcript, the following System Configuration options must be enabled:

Users who are waitlisted, or whose enrollment is pending approval, do not have a withdrawal record created as they are not yet considered enrolled.

Learners can withdraw from a session in the Knowledge Center, and can also be withdrawn by an administrator in the Catalog Editor's Participants page. The overall withdrawal logic is the same, and if the System Configuration settings listed above are enabled, the withdrawal is recorded in the learner's transcript.

The one exception is the Group Withdrawal function with the Override indicator set. This Catalog Editor function is intended to remove all traces of an enrollment, and so will not record the individual withdraw records for each user when the Override flag is checked.

Withdrawal from Programs

When a learner withdraws from a program, its status is set to Withdrawn. For learning modules or sessions within the program:

Additional Information

Define an Enrollment Policy for a Learning Module

Learning Module Enrollment Policy Properties

About Changing Participant Overall Status

Group Enroll or Withdraw Learners in a Session


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