Review Certifications

You can review the certificates awarded to all users who are visible to your account, and download multiple PDF certificates at once. This can be useful for scheduled or classroom training, where everyone gets a certificate when the course has finished. 

Administrators with read-only access to the Certification Review feature in System Roles (Manage Features > Certification Manager) can view and download learners' PDF certificates. Administrators with unrestricted access can also delete learners' certifications.

To review certifications

  1. Go to Manage Center > Learning > Certification Review. The Certification Review page opens with a list of certifications awarded to users who are visible to your account.
  2. Filter the list, if required, to see the certifications you want to review.
  3. To download a PDF certificate for a single user, select Print from the certification's action menu. A new browser window opens and downloads the PDF to your browser's default file download location.
  4. To download some or all of the certificates, select their check boxes (or select the all check box in the table heading row) and then select Print from the Bulk Action drop-down list.
  5. To delete a certification awarded to a single user, select Delete from the certification's action menu and then click OK in the confirmation dialog. The certification is removed from the user's award certifications.
  6. To delete some or all of the certifications, select their check boxes (or select the all check box in the table heading row) and then select Delete from the Bulk Action drop-down list.

Additional Information

About Certifications


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