View Transaction Execution Statistics

The Transaction Execution Statistics page provides detailed execution response time metrics for each type of transaction request submitted to the LMS. This helps to indicate where bottlenecks may be developing, and where users are experiencing a slow response. 

Administrators with read-only access to the Transaction Statistics feature in System Roles (Manage Features > System Administration) can view timing statistics for each transaction (TX code) on the summary page and drill down to more details for each transaction.

Administrators with unrestricted access to the Transaction Statistics feature in System Roles can export the statistics to a CSV file, which is saved in the /nd/fresco/txstats/ folder on the LMS server, and also reset the statistics.

To view the transaction execution statistics

  1. Go to Manage Center > System > Transaction Execution Statistics. The Transaction Execution Statistics page opens.
  2. To view more details for a transaction, click its name. The Transaction Details page opens.
  3. To export the transaction statistics to an comma-separated variable (.CSV) file, click Write CSV.
  4. To reset the statistics, click Reset statistics.


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