About the Background Task Console

You can manage recurring data imports and exports in the Background Task Console.

You can:

Each task has a type, which specifies the type of data the task imports or exports, and a URL, which specifies the source or destination of the file to import or export. The console supports the following URL schemes:

If the URL points to a directory when the file scheme is used, the importer scans the directory for all files that do not have the .imported file name extension. Every matching file will be processed and then the .imported file extension added to the file name. 

Task schedules are saved as Outline Processor Markup Language (OPML) files.

Administrators with unrestricted or read-only access to the System Administration feature in System Roles (Manage Features > System Administration) can view and run scheduled import and export tasks in the Background Task Console.

To manage scheduled import and export tasks, go to Manage Center > System > Background Task Console.

Additional Information

Create a Scheduled Import or Export Background Task

Background Task Console Task Types

Background Task Schedules

OPML Background Task Definition Files


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