Compare Languages

You can compare a target language properties file to the file to identify any text strings that haven't been translated or copied to the target language. If any text strings are missing in the target language, you can copy and paste them into a file for reference.

Administrators with unrestricted or read-only access to the System Administration feature in System Roles (Manage Features > System Administration) can compare languages.

To compare languages

  1. Go to Manage Center > System > Compare Languages. The Compare Languages page opens.
  2. Enter the name of the base language properties file—the one you want to compare other language files to. This defaults to the file.
  3. Enter the name of the target language properties file.
  4. Select the Append new line char check box to insert a new line character \n, which would render the missing lines formatted with a new line each when viewed in the HTML source. This is ideal for copying the property lines without including any formatting into the language text file. However, the on-screen display will not have any line breaks.

    Clear the Append new line char check box to insert an HTML <br /> tag instead for each property line, which looks better when viewing on-screen. However, it is not ideal for copying the lines because of the possibility of including any existing formatting.

  5. Click Submit. The missing text strings are listed.


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