System Administration Access Permissions

The table below describes the access permissions for Manage Features > System Administration.

To configure access and general permissions for system roles, your user role must have unrestricted access to the Role Permissions feature in System Roles (Manage Features > User Manager Features). 

To configure system roles, go to Manage Center > Users > System Roles.

Table: Access permissions for System Administration

Feature Access Permission Description
System Administration

Read Only and Unrestricted provide access to the system administration features in the Manage Center.

No access prevents the role from accessing the majority of the system administration features. Only the following features are available when this is set to No access:

  • Terms of Use Manager
  • Compare Languages
  • Search/Customize Language Strings
  • XLIFF Import and Export
  • mEKP Administration (mEKP Sync Properties, mEKP Statistics, License Info, Course Info)
Page Statistics

Read Only and Unrestricted provide access to the Page Size Statistics page in the Manage Center, where the role can view the number of hits, and the maximum, average and total size of each TX page in the LMS user interface.

No access prevents the role from accessing the Page Size Statistics page and removes it from the Manage Center > System menu.

Transaction Statistics

Read Only provides access to the Transaction Execution Statistics page in the Manage Center, where the role can view timing statistics for each transaction (TX code).

Unrestricted access additionally enables the role to export the statistics to a CSV file, which is saved in the /nd/fresco/txstats/ folder on the LMS server, and to reset the statistics.

No access prevents the role from accessing the Transaction Execution Statistics page and removes it from the Manage Center > System menu.

Connection Statistics

Read Only and Unrestricted provide access to the Connection Statistics page in the Manage Center, where the role can:

  • View the connection statistics for each connection pool
  • List the connections
  • Reset the connection pool
  • Fade
  • Run a performance test

No access prevents the role from accessing the Connection Statistics page and removes it from the Manage Center > System menu.

Cache Statistics

Read Only provides access to the Object Cache Statistics page in the Manage Center, where the role can view object cache information.

Unrestricted access additionally enables the role to clear the object caches.

No access prevents the role from accessing the Object Cache Statistics page and removes it from the Manage Center > System menu.

User Sessions

Read Only and Unrestricted provide access to the User Sessions page in the Manage Center, where the role can view active user sessions and kill them, if required.

No access prevents the role from accessing the User Sessions page and removes it from the Manage Center > System menu.

Access Violations

Read Only and Unrestricted provide access to the Access Violation Report page in the Manage Center, where the role can view and filter the list of LMS access violations, such as invalid login attempts.

No access prevents the role from accessing the Access Violation Report page and removes it from the Manage Center > System menu.

Screen Layout Manager

Read Only provides access to the Screen Layout Manager in the Manage Center, where the role can view the list of existing screen layouts (that is, skins) and export them to a compressed (ZIP) file.

Unrestricted access additionally enables the role to upload new layouts, edit them and delete them.

No access prevents the role from accessing the Screen Layout Manager page and removes it from the Manage Center > System menu.

System Configuration

Read Only provides access to the System Configuration page in the Manage Center, where the role can view the system configuration settings.

Unrestricted access additionally enables the role to update and save the system configuration settings.

No access prevents the role from accessing the System Configuration page and removes it from the Manage Center > System menu.

Broadcast Messenger

Unrestricted provides access to the Broadcast Messenger page in the Manage Center, where the role can view, create and save a broadcast message to be displayed to users when its status is set to Active.

Read Only and No access prevent the role from accessing the Broadcast Messenger page and remove it from the Manage Center > Communicate menu.

Database Object Statistics

Read Only provides access to the Database Object Statistics page in the Manage Center, where the role can view the number of rows in a selection of tables.

Unrestricted access additionally enables the role to run the Database Cleanup process, which removes invalid or obsolete data from those tables in the database.

No access prevents the role from accessing the Database Object Statistics page and removes it from the Manage Center > System menu.

Switch User

Unrestricted provides access to the Switch User page in the Manage Center, where the role can switch to another user without having to log out and log back in. 

No access prevents the role from accessing the Switch User page and removes it from the Manage Center > System menu.

If the system configuration option Switching User Observes User Privileges is enabled, the role cannot switch to a user with a higher privilege level.

Widget Page Manager

Unrestricted provides access to the Widget Page Manager in the Manage Center, where the role can view, create, edit and delete templates for Widget Pagesalternative landing pages for targeted users, which provide a more personalized experience.

No access prevents the role from accessing the Widget Page Manager and removes it from the Manage Center > System menu.

Content Server Configuration

Read Only provides access to the Content Server Configuration page in the Manage Center, where the role can view content server names and descriptions (but not their host name).

Unrestricted access additionally enables the role to create, edit and delete content server configurations.

No access prevents the role from accessing the Content Server Configuration page and removes it from the Manage Center > System menu.

Login Reminder

Read Only provides access to the Login Reminder page in the Manage Center, where the role can view the schedule (if any) for sending login reminder emails to users and the name of the email template used.

Unrestricted access additionally enables the role to configure the login reminder schedule and select the email template to use.

No access prevents the role from accessing the Login Reminder page and removes it from the Manage Center > System menu.

Background Task Monitor

Read Only provides access to the Background Task Monitor in the Manage Center, where the role can view a list of all background tasks and their latest results.

No access prevents the role from accessing the Background Task Monitor and removes it from the Manage Center > System menu.

System Language Activation

Read Only provides access to the System Language Activation page in the Manage Center, where the role can view the activated system languages.

Unrestricted access additionally enables the role to activate a system language to make it available for classifying a language bundle for a multi-language object in the LMS (such as a course). The role can also select the target audience to specify which users can assign the language bundle to the system language. 

No access prevents the role from accessing the System Language Activation page and removes it from the Manage Center > System menu.

HTML Widgets

Unrestricted provides access to the HTML Widgets page in the Manage Center, where the role can view, create, edit, delete and manage language bundles for HTML widgets, which can be added to Widget Page templates as an HTML widget (under the Charts/Reports heading).

No access prevents the role from accessing the HTML Widgets page and removes it from the Manage Center > System menu.

User roles with a privilege level of 10 (reserved for system administrators) can access and update Debug and Tracing options. Other users, with lower privilege levels, may not see the Debug and Tracing Options page in the Manage Center


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