User Manager Features Access Permissions

The table below describes the access permissions for Manage Features > User Manager Features.

To configure access and general permissions for system roles, your user role must have unrestricted access to the Role Permissions feature in System Roles (Manage Features > User Manager Features). 

To configure system roles, go to Manage Center > Users > System Roles.

Table: Access permissions for User Manager Features

Feature Access Permission Description
User Manager

Read Only and Unrestricted access enable the role to access the User Manager pages. These are accessed via the user interface from the Manage Center > Users menu.

No access prevents the role from accessing the User Manager pages and hides them in the Manage Center.

User Manager pages:

  • Users
  • User Attribute Configuration
  • User Attribute Extension
  • User Data Loader
  • User Profile Data Loader
  • Switch User
  • User ID Migration
  • Merge User IDs Data Loader
  • Payment Plans

Read Only provides access to the Users page in the Manage Center, where the role can view user's details in the User Editor. 

To change a user's status, the role additionally must have the Allow User Status Change permission under Data Access Control > Role General Permissions.

To reset a user's password, the role additionally must have the Allow User Password Change permission under Data Access Control > Role General Permissions.

Unrestricted access additionally enables the role to edit users.

To create users, the role additionally must have the Allow User Creation permission under Data Access Control > Role General Permissions.

To delete users or their data, the role additionally must have the Allow User Deletes permission under Data Access Control > Role General Permissions.

No access prevents the role from accessing the Users page and removes it from the Manage Center > Users menu.

Logically Deleted Users

Unrestricted provides access to the Logically Deleted Users page in the Manage Center, where the role can view a list of logically deleted users, delete their user data, change their status and export their personal data to a compressed file containing multiple comma-separated values (CSV) files.

No access prevents the role from accessing the Logically Deleted Users page and removes it from the Manage Center > Users menu.

Role Permissions

Read Only provides access to the System Roles page in the Manage Center, where the role can view existing system roles and their access permissions.

Unrestricted access additionally enables the role to create, edit and delete system roles, and configure their access permissions.

No access prevents the role from accessing the System Roles page and removes it from the Manage Center > Users menu.

User ID Change

Unrestricted provides access to the User ID Migration page, where the role can migrate a user's records to another user account to merge multiple accounts for the same user.

No access prevents the role from accessing the User ID Migration page and removes it from the Manage Center > Users menu.

User Attributes Configuration

Read Only provides access to the User Attribute Configuration and User Attributes Extensions pages in the Manage Center, where the role can view the values for the eight default user attributes and any additional, user-defined attributes respectively.

Unrestricted access additionally enables the role to create, edit and delete values for the user attributes.

No access prevents the role from accessing the User Attribute Configuration and User Attributes Extensions pages, and removes them from the Manage Center > Users menu.

User Data Loader

Read Only provides access to the User Data Loader in the Manage Center, where the role can view previous imports, and download the import logs and error logs.

Unrestricted access additionally enables the role to upload user data CSV files.

No access prevents the role from accessing the User Data Loader and removes it from the Manage Center > Users menu.

User Profile Data Loader

Read Only provides access to the User Profile Data Loader in the Manage Center, where the role can view previous imports, and download the import logs and error logs.

Unrestricted access additionally enables the role to upload user profile data CSV files.

No access prevents the role from accessing the User Profile Data Loader and removes it from the Manage Center > Users menu.

User Groups

Read Only provides access to the User Groups page in the Manage Center, where the role can view user group details and open a list of members in the Users page (subject to role access to the Users page).

Unrestricted access additionally enables the role to create, edit and delete user groups, and manage membership via the Edit User Group page.

No access prevents the role from accessing the User Groups page and removes it from the Manage Center > Users menu.

User Group Data Loader

Read Only provides access to the User Group Data Loader in the Manage Center, where the role can view previous imports, and download the import logs and error logs.

Unrestricted access additionally enables the role to upload user group data CSV files.

No access prevents the role from accessing the User Group Data Loader and removes it from the Manage Center > Users menu.

Organization Data Loader

Read Only provides access to the Organization Data Loader in the Manage Center, where the role can view previous imports, and download the import logs and error logs.

Unrestricted access additionally enables the role to upload organization data CSV files.

No access prevents the role from accessing the Organization Data Loader and removes it from the Manage Center > Users menu.

Bulk Role Update

Unrestricted enables the role access to the Bulk Role Update page in the Manage Center, where the role can view and update multiple users with direct appraisees and a specific role to a new role.

No access prevents the role from accessing the Bulk Role Update and removes it from the Manage Center > Users menu.

Role Access Data Loader

Read Only provides access to the Role Access Data Loader in the Manage Center, where the role can view previous imports, and download the import logs and error logs.

Unrestricted access additionally enables the role to upload role access data CSV files.

No access prevents the role from accessing the Role Access Data Loader and removes it from the Manage Center > Users menu.

Report Manager

Read Only provides access to the Report Listing feature in the User Editor, accessed via the Report Listing icon on the editor's toolbar, where the role can run several user and organization based reports.

No access prevents the role from accessing the Report Listing feature and reports.

User Targeting Template Manager

Read Only provides access to the User Targeting Template Manager in the Manage Center, where the role can view a list of existing user targeting templates but cannot view or edit their user selection criteria.

Unrestricted access additionally enables the role to create, edit, delete and set permissions for user targeting templates.

No access prevents the role from accessing the User Targeting Template Manager and removes it from the Manage Center > Users menu.


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