About Reviewing Learner Transcripts

Administrators can review a learner's transcript from the Records/Transcript tab in the User Editor. Your ability to see users' transcript details depends on the role access control Display Details, Progress, and Course Interactions when Reviewing Learner Transcript Detail.

Transcripts are shown in the Learning page of the Career Development Center (CDC), where reviewers can view the courses assigned to the learner, along with their status, start and end dates, and score, if applicable. Depending on your role access permissions, you may also be able to drill down to the Transcript Details, assign learning modules to the learner, and print transcripts.

Reviewers may also access the CDC when reviewing learners from the Workspace menu (Home > Workspace > Review). Instructors can review course participants' transcript details from the Teach menu.

Additional Information

Review a Learner's Transcript

Transcript Detail Visibility

View or Edit a User's Profile


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