Delete a User's Data

Administrators can delete a user and all of their data entirely from the LMS or delete specific categories of their data while keeping the account Active. Separately, you can update a user's Current Status to Account Closed or Logically Deleted. For more information about user statuses and their impact on the user account, see User Account Status Reference.

To delete a user's data

  1. Go to Manage Center > Users > Users and locate the target user.
  2. Select Delete User Data from the user's action menu. The Delete dialog opens.
  3. Select the check boxes of the categories of user datacategories of user data you want to delete.

    User: Basic user data including preferences, profile, and payments. Selecting User automatically selects all other categories for deletion.

    User Learning: The user's learning‐related data, including transcripts, exams, and certifications.

    User Career: The user's career‐related data, including appraisals, competencies, and competency assessments.

    Learning Object: Learning objects for which the user has been named in some capacity (for example, as the creator or as an approver).

    System: System objects for which the user has been named in some capacity.

    Exam: Exam‐related objects for which the user has been named in some capacity.

  4. Click OK. The data is deleted immediately.

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