Reset a User's Password

Administrators can reset a user's password to a random combination of characters from the Users page or in the User Editor. When you reset a user's password, the LMS sends the user a notification email containing the new password.

The Send Reset Password Mail link is available in the User Editor only if the user has an email address. This link will not reset a user's password or send them an email notification if they share the same email address with one or more other user accounts. The LMS does not alert you if the reset password email is not sent.

Your system role must have the Allow User Password Change Data Access Control permission set to Yes to reset passwords in the Users page.

To reset a user's password to a random combination of characters in the Users page

  1. Go to Manage Center > Users > Users and locate the user whose password you want to reset. 
  2. Select Reset Password from the user's action menu. A confirmation dialog opens.
  3. Click OK to reset the user's password. A notification email is sent to the user.

To reset a user's password to a random combination of characters in the User Editor

  1. Go to Manage Center > Users > Users. The Users page opens.
  2. Click the name of the user whose password you want to reset (or select View/Edit Profile from their action menu). The User Editor opens with the Profile tab selected.
  3. Click the Send Reset Password Mail link. A confirmation dialog opens.
  4. Click OK to reset the user's password. A notification email is sent to the user.

Additional Information

About User Passwords

Change a User's Password

Filter the Users List

View or Edit a User's Profile


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