Assign Prerequisites

Course administrators can assign prerequisites to learning modules to ensure that participants are properly prepared for a course. You can assign two groups of one or more prerequisite learning modules. Each group can require all (AND logic) prerequisites to be met or at least one (OR logic). For each group you can select how the prerequisites have been met (for example, the overall status must be set to Completed).

To assign prerequisites to a module

  1. Go to Manage Center > Learning > Learning Modules and click the name of the module you want to assign one or more prerequisite modules to. The Catalog Editor opens at the Define Module Properties page.
  2. Click Assign Prerequisites in the Module Properties tab. The Assign Prerequisites page opens.
  3. Click the Assign prerequisites link. The Currently Required Module(s) page opens in a new window. 
  4. Enter a search term to search for the prerequisite module or select a catalog and learning type to help refine the search results.
  5. Click Filter. The learning modules matching your search criteria are listed in the Available Choices box.
  6. Select one or more modules in the list and click the down-facing chevron to add them to the Selections box. 
  7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 to search for other learning modules, if required. To remove a module, select it in the Selections box and click the up-facing chevron.
  8. Click OK to return to the Assign Prerequisites page.
  9. Select the prerequisite check type from the drop-down list. It will be applied to all of modules in the Currently Required Module(s) list.
  10. If you assigned more than one prerequisite learning module, select from the Prerequisite Business Logic drop-down list whether the check type condition must be met by all prerequisites (Use AND logic) or just one (Use OR logic).
  11. Click the Save icon to save your changes.
  12. To assign a secondary set of prerequisites, which must be met in addition to the first, repeat steps 2 to 11 above.


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