Module Properties for Catalog Setup

The tables below describe general learning module properties relating to catalog setup. This information is used to classify the course entry within a catalog.

Table: Learning Module Details

Property Description

The module title appears in the catalog and the course details page. It should be concise and explicit. Module titles are saved in the learner's transcript (their learning record), they are searchable in the catalog, and could even be used for legal or regulatory purposes.

This is a mandatory field.

Description The module description appears in the catalog and the Course Details page. It should be concise and explicit. Module descriptions are saved in the learner's transcript, they are searchable in the catalog, and could even be used for legal or regulatory purposes.
More Information Hyperlink You can enter a link to a website with information or resources related to the course. The More Information Hyperlink is shown in the Course Details and Knowledge Center.

All learning modules can be delivered in a specific language you select from the list. For learning modules with more than one session, such as classroom-based courses available in different locations, you can define the learning module as multi-language and specify the delivery language for each session. The languages available are determined by the languages purchased by your organization. 

The languages available for the module are shown in the Catalog Browser, Catalog Search results, Course Details and Knowledge Center.

This is a mandatory field.


You can select the course vendor from the drop-down list. You set up vendors on the Vendors page. 

This information is not shown in the Course Details.

Duration Comments You can add the course duration, which is shown in the Course Details and Knowledge Center.
Support Contact You can enter the name of one or more people who can provide learners with support for enrollment or participation in the course. This information is shown as plain text in the Course Details and Knowledge Center (that is, HTML markup, such as email links, are not implemented).
Enable Progress Tracker

Check this box to enable the Progress Tracker for Programs. The Progress Tracker shows learners their month-by-month progress through each of the Program's constituent modules on a calendar page.

When enabled, the Progress Tracker link is shown for the Program on the Current Learning Modules tab on the Learning page, and also in the Training Progress widget on the Widget page.

This property applies only to Program learning types.

Display "Indicate Interest"

Check this box to enable learners to indicate their interest in taking the course if they are unable to enroll. You can enable them to provide up to three preferred dates and a comment, or just a comment.

Allowing learners to indicate their interest in taking a course can be useful for scheduling classroom or virtual classroom sessions.

If you provide this option, a link is shown in the Course Details, enabling learners to indicate their interest.

The Indicate Interest property is not applicable to Just-in-Time learning modules.

Show on other resources tab instead of enrolled learning modules tab (tabbed interface only)

This check box is shown only if the Show other resources tab (tabbed interface only) System Configuration setting is enabled. Select this check box to show the learning module in the Other Resources page in the Learning Center.

The Other Resources page must be included in the navigations.xml file used for the LMS's skin, as shown in this example navigations.xml extract:

<item labelKey="label.LearningCentre" txCode="TABLISTSESSIONS">
      <menu cssClassName="submenu">
        <item labelKey="heading.currentCourses" txCode="TABLISTSESSIONS" />
        <item labelKey="label.Other_Resources" txCode="OTHERRESOURCES" />

You can configure who is eligible to approve the task completion using the Signoff Options properties for Task learning modules.

Table: Signoff Options

Property Description
This task should be marked as completed by

Select from the options who can mark the task as completed:

  • The learner
  • The learner's Direct Appraiser
  • Any user who is the learner's Supervisor
  • Any user who is an instructor of this task (through manual or dynamic assignment)
  • Any user matching the following criteria:

If you select the last option, you can select any individual user, or users who belong to specific user groups, roles and organizations, or a combination of those criteria.

Check pre-requisites before marking task as completed Select this check box to ensure that the task cannot be marked as completed unless the configured prerequisites (if any) have been met.

You can assign modules to one or more catalogs using the Catalog Configuration properties.

Table: Catalog Configuration

Property Description

Check this box to show the learning module in the catalog or catalogs you select in the Assign catalog field.

Only check this box for courses that learners can enroll themselves in. If you don’t need learners to see the course details in the catalog, you can clear this check box.

Select the Show in Catalogs check box last, after you have saved all the other module properties. As soon as you save the properties in the Catalog Editor (with this check box selected), the module becomes visible to learners looking for courses. If other essential properties have not been configured yet, learners may encounter errors if they try to enroll in the course.


You can select a category from the drop-down list to assign the learning module to it.

You can use categories to group courses with related subjects. Learners can refine a catalog search by subject but not category. Admins can search on both category and subject, via the advanced filters on the Learning Modules page in the Manage Center.

You set up categories on the Categories page.


You can select a subject from the drop-down list to assign the learning module to it.

A subject is the general topic covered by the course. You can group courses with related subjects in a particular category to help you organize your learning modules. 

Learners can refine a catalog search by subject.

You set up subjects on the Subjects page.

Assign catalog

You have to add a module to a catalog so that it can be found in Catalog Search. You can add a module to multiple catalogs.

Click the Assign catalog field name to open the Catalog Selector, where you can select one or more catalogs to add the course to.

The catalogs the module has been assigned to are listed in the box.

Image for Catalog Display

Click the browse icon to open the Repository Manager, where you can select an image file to use in the catalogs the module has been added to.

Images are displayed in different aspect ratios in the legacy user interface (UI) and new responsive UI.

In the legacy UI, to see the whole image in the catalog, it must be no bigger than 150 x 150 pixels. If you select an image with greater dimensions, the Image Editor opens and you can either select a cropped area of the image to use, or scale the image to fit 150 x 150 pixels. Scaling non-square images changes the aspect ratio so they may appear stretched or squashed in one dimension.

The new responsive UI displays course and catalog images in approximately a 16:9 width-to-height ratio. Any image size greater than 500 pixels wide can be used and will be scaled without distortion to fit.

Click the Reset icon to reset the image to the default. 

You can describe one or more target audiences for the course.

Table: Who should take this?

Property Description
Audience You can enter a description of the target audience for the course. You can specify multiple audiences, each in their own Audience text box.

You can select and configure the collaboration tools that are available to learners for the course. 

Table: Collaboration Tools

Property Description
Forum Check this box to include in the Knowledge Center > Forum page a link to either the forum category or to a specific forum.
Peer Review/Comments Check this box to include in the Knowledge Center the option for learners to rate the module and leave a comment. All learners with access to the Knowledge Center for the course can see the rating and peer comments left by others.

You can enter values for optional module attributes, which you can also include in the advanced filters on the Learning Modules page in the Manage Center.

Additional Information

Define Module Properties

About Module Properties

Create a Vendor

About the Progress Tracker

Create a Category

Create a Subject

About the Repository Manager

About Module Attribute Categories



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