Define Module Security

Course administrators can configure access permissions for a learning module to specify who can view it or make changes to it.

To allow administrators to view and edit the module details, you must give them unrestricted access permission. To prevent them from making changes, give them read-only access.

To allow course instructors to administer a specific learning session from the Session Administration page, you must give them read-only access permission to the session. To allow instructors to administer all sessions for a learning module, you must give them read-only access permission to the learning module (in which case you do not need to give them permissions for each session).

You must also give learners read-only access to a module to enable them be enrolled in it.

To configure the permissions for a learning module

  1. Go to Manage Center > Learning > Learning Modules and click the name of the module you want to set the permissions for. The Catalog Editor opens at the Define Module Properties page.
  2. Click Define Module Security in the Module Properties tab. The Define Module Security page opens.
  3. Click Permissions. The Permissions Selector opens.
  4. Select the users to give read-only access to (that is, learners and instructors).
  5. To give other administrators unrestricted access to be able to edit the module, click Unrestricted Access and select the users.
  6. Click the Save icon to save your changes.

Additional Information


User Selector



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