Program Session Enrollment Update Options 

The table below describes the options available when you run Session Enrollment Update.

Table: Session Enrollment Update Options

Option Description
Update current program session enrollments Check this option to affect only the learners who are enrolled in the current program session. For example, if a new module is added, this update will enroll currently enrolled learners onto the new module as part of the program. Learners who have already completed the program are not affected.
Re-enroll users who have previously completed the program session Check this option to re-enroll learners who have previously completed the session. Learners who complete the session hereafter are not affected.
Only re-enroll if user's current job profiles include this program Check this option so that only the learners who have at least one current job profile assignment that involves this program will be re-enrolled.
Check here if you want to send an e-mail update notification to each affected user Check this option to send an email notification to the enrollees.


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Program Session Enrollment Update


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