About Sending Participants an Email

Course administrators can write a custom email and send it to one or more session participants, or send one of the following standard email notifications to individual participants:

  • Enrollment Confirmation
  • Module Not-Yet-Accessed Reminder
  • Gentle Completion Reminder
  • Gentle Deadline Reminder
  • Start-of-Session Reminder
  • Completion Notification
  • Session Waiting Reminder
  • Session Finish Notification
  • Escalation of Completion Reminder

The choice of standard emails corresponds to the email templates selected in the session's email preferences. An email template must be specified for each type of notification for it to be available to send to a participant. 

The email template used to send one of the standard emails is specified in the Email Preferences for the learning module. (It will be the default email template unless a user-defined template has been selected.)

You can send these one-off emails to participants from the Participants page for a session in the Catalog Editor. Emails sent to participants this way do not affect other automated emails sent to users when various events occur, such as course enrollment.

Additional Information

Send Participants an Email

View or Update Session Participants


Configure Email Preferences for a Session

About Email Templates


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