Add Reference Resources to a Session

Course administrators can provide online resources for course participants and instructors for a specific course session. These resources can be:

Learners and instructors can access resources from these areas of the LMS:

Embedded content opens in a modal pop-up.

To add a reference resource to a session

  1. Go to Manage Center > Learning > Learning Modules and click the name of the module to open. The Catalog Editor opens at the Define Module Properties page.
  2. Click Session Properties to select a session to configure.
  3. Select a session from the drop-down list and click Go
  4. Click Enter references in the Session Properties tab. The Reference Resources page opens.
  5. Click Add New Reference. The Add New Reference modal pop-up opens.
  6. To include a file from the Repository, click the browse icon to open the Repository Manager, where you can select the file.
  7. To include a file or embedded content from outside of the LMS, enter the URL. 
  8. Check the boxes to specify whether learners, instructors or both can access the resource. Resources available only to instructors are shown in the Knowledge Center.
  9. Select the reference type.
  10. Check the box if you want to include a link to the resource in the catalog, which allows people to download it without having to enroll in the course first. You can also enable or disable catalog access to the resource from the action menu on the Reference Resources page.
  11. Click Add to create the reference to the resource in the LMS.
  12. Click the Save icon to save your changes.

Additional Information

About Reference Resources

About the Repository Manager

Add Reference Resources to a Learning Module


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