Assign Instructors to Class Schedules

Course administrators can select the default instructors to assign to new class schedules, and also add instructors to individual session classes. You can manually select the default instructors or have them automatically assigned based on competency qualifications. When you assign default instructors to new classes, they are automatically selected as the instructor when you add a new class schedule to a session.

The users assigned as instructors for classroom or virtual classroom sessions will very likely need access to LMS features associated with the Instructor role, so it is advisable to check that they have a role with access to those features. 

To assign instructors to class schedules

  1. Go to Manage Center > Learning > Learning Modules and click the name of the classroom or virtual classroom module to open. The Catalog Editor opens at the Define Module Properties page.
  2. Click Session Properties to select a session to configure.
  3. Select a session from the drop-down list and click Go
  4. Click Instructors in the Session Properties tab. The Edit instructor list page opens.
  5. To manually select one or more default instructors to assign to all new class schedules for the session:
    1. Click Manual Assignment if it is not already selected, and then click Select instructors. The Select Instructors window opens.
    2. Select the instructors and click OK. (For more information, see User Selector.)
    3. To remove instructors from the list, select them in the Instructor Configured box and click Remove instructors.
  1. To automatically assign instructors to new class schedules based on their competencies:
    1. Click Dynamic Assignment if it is not already selected, and then start typing the name of a competency in the text box. As you type, matching competencies are listed so you can select one.
    2. Select a competency from the auto-suggest list and, optionally, select a required level from the drop-down list.
    3. Click Refresh. Any users who have the required competency are listed under the Current Instructor List heading.
  1. Click the Save icon to save your changes.

Additional Information

About Instructors

Configure a Class Schedule


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