Enter Additional Cost Accounting Information

Course administrators can enter additional costs for a course, which are not in the listed price. The cost accounting categories, used to categorize the costed items for the session, are configured in the Cost Accounting Categories page. You could use these additional cost categories to compensate for added expenses of conducting courses in particular locations, for example.

To add additional cost accounting information for a session

  1. Go to Manage Center > Learning > Learning Modules and click the name of the module to open. The Catalog Editor opens at the Define Module Properties page.
  2. Click Session Properties to select a session to configure.
  3. Select a session from the drop-down list and click Go
  4. Click Cost Accounting Information in the Session Properties tab. The cost accounting information page opens (titled Edit the extra cost associated with this session).
  5. If you intend to add multiple costed items associated with this session, select the base currency from the drop-down list. This is used as the default currency for each item you add so you do not have to specify the currency each time.
  6. Select the cost accounting category of the item from the drop-down list andoptionallyenter a brief description in the Extra Information field.
  7. Enter the item cost in the Amount field.
  8. Select the required currency if it is different from the base currency, and then enter the exchange rate between the base currency and item's selected currency.
  9. Click Add >> to add another item.
  10. Click the Save icon to save your changes.

Additional Information

Create a Cost Accounting Category


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