Generate Course Coupons

The course coupon enrollment scheme provides an alternative way for learners to enroll in a designated course, without having to search or browse the catalog for it. As the course owner, you can generate a set of course coupons for a specific session and distribute them to a reseller (LMS users). The reseller then distributes the coupon ID to the learner by email or other preferred means. The learner then enters the course coupon ID on the Course Coupon Enrollment page to enroll directly in the session.

Each set of coupons can have a single reseller, but you can generate multiple sets of coupons for the course, each for different resellers. If you plan to distribute course coupons for the session to multiple resellers, you could use the Coupon Prefix field to identify each reseller.

Course coupon enrollment is available for Learning and eLearning LMS licenses only.

To generate a course coupon

  1. Go to Manage Center > Learning > Learning Modules and click the name of the learning module you want to generate course coupons for. The Catalog Editor opens at the Define Module Properties page.
  2. Click Session Properties to select a session to configure.
  3. Select a session from the drop-down list and click Go
  4. Click Course Coupon in the Session Properties tab. The Course Coupon page opens. Any existing course coupons are listed at the bottom of the page.
  5. Enter the coupon details, starting with the number of coupons to generate for the reseller. 
  6. After entering the details for the set of coupon(s), click Add more coupon(s) to save them. They are listed at the bottom of the page and the Edit course coupon fields are cleared.
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to generate additional sets of coupons as required.
  8. Click a course coupon ID in the list to edit its details, if required.
  9. Click the Save icon to save your changes.



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