When the LMS presents course schedule options to learners, the event status is used to determine which sessions to show the user.
The event status is specific to the session and is independent of the final overall status recorded in the participant's training history record. However, changing the event status for a session in which learners are currently enrolled may affect their training record status.
Group enrollment allows you to override the business logic restrictions of a specific status as long as the Override? check box is selected on the Group Enrollment page.
Changing the event status of single-session modules (that is, online equivalent learning types) to Completed, Retired or Cancelled automatically clears the module's Visibility: Show in Catalog check box so the session will no longer be shown in the course catalog or catalog search.
If the Change transcript status of enrolled users correspondingly setting is enabled, the overall status for learners enrolled in the session will be changed correspondingly.
If the Change transcript status of enrolled users correspondingly setting is disabled, only the course status and visibility in the catalog will be changed. Enrolled learners' overall status for the session will not be changed.
This event status is intended especially for classroom modules so that a session can be used as a placeholder to enable a course to be assigned to a user, even if it is not yet clear which actual session the user will attend. It requires the participant or reviewer to select the specific session from among the Active sessions for the course. You can specify who can select the session when configuring the Prompt User to Select Session properties. It can be participant only, reviewer only or both participant and reviewer. If the Show session selection reminder check box is selected, the LMS shows a session selection reminder to the participant each time they login.
This event status works with group enroll and auto-enroll targets. The default setting doesn't allow a user to self-enroll into in a classroom session with this status, although a program session containing such a class can be self-enrolled. If the Make "Prompt user to select session" available for self-enrollment check box is selected, the session is also shown in the catalog for self-enrollment.
When used with a program session, you can create a placeholder session for assignment that avoids the inconvenience of setting up a number of program sessions with a different classroom dates.
Other session properties, such as start date or venue, are irrelevant for an event with this status, as they are never used.
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