Exam Editor Details Field Reference

In the Exam Editor Details tab, you configure the exam properties, such as how it is presented, graded and reviewed. The Details tab separates the exam's properties into the following sections:

Table: Exam Editor—Details Tab Field Descriptions

Field Description
Title Enter the exam title.
Description Enter a description of the exam. This description is shown to learners when they open the exam (from the Knowledge Center, for example), along with any time limits, the number of attempts allowed, and the minimum passing score, if specified.
Post Exam Information Enter a message to be displayed to users when they have completed an exam. This can be used to provide feedback or further instructions to the learner. Important: The text displayed on the Exam Results screen will be the same for all users, regardless of if they pass or fail the exam.
Language Select the language in which the exam information is delivered.
Is a Template? Select this check box to allow the exam to b e generated as a learning module. (You can generate exam modules from the Exams page.)
Allow Section/Question Navigation Select this check box to allow candidates to move between questions or sections at will, before they have answered the questions. Candidates will be able to work through the exam in any order before submitting it as completed.
Display Question ID Select this check box to show the question ID along with the question number.
Disable mouse right click Select this check box to disable right-click functionality, which will prevent the exam from being printed from the browser.
Colors and Fonts Select an exam theme from the drop-down list. Themes use a stylesheet to define the colors and fonts used for exams.
Remaining Time Select the way the exam is timed. This can be measured as a fixed amount of time from the time the exam is first launched, or the amount of time spent on the exam (that is, when the exam is active).
Maximum Time Allowed (hh:mm)

Enter the maximum time allowed to complete the exam. If the Remaining Time option is set to Elapsed Time, this will indicate a hard deadline—a date and time beyond which the participant will not be able to open the exam. If the Remaining Time option is set to Exam Time, this is the maximum amount of time the participant is allowed to spend in the exam.

Enter 00:00 to give candidates unlimited time.

Maximum Time per Question (seconds)

Enter the maximum amount of time in seconds that candidates are allowed to spend on each question. 

Enter 0 to give candidates unlimited time.

Automatically Grade?

Select Yes to automatically grade the exam. For more information, see About Automatic Grading. Select No if an instructor will mark all questions in the exam.

If an automatically graded exam contains essay questions, no points are assigned during automatic grading. The instructor will need to mark essay questions during exam review.

Maximum Number of Attempts for Each Participant Enter the maximum number of times each participant is allowed to attempt the exam, up to a maximum of 9999.
Marking type Select whether the exam score is measured in points or as a percentage.
Required Number of Points/Percentage Enter the number of points or percentage score needed for the participant to pass the exam.
Maximum Number of Points Enter the maximum number of points.
Grading for Multiple Choice Questions This setting allows you to override the System setting that determines if partial credit ca be given for multiple choice questions.  Select Use the System Configuration to respect the organization-level setting.  Or, click Use this setting for this exam and select an option to override the System setting on the exam level.
Allow hints Select Yes to include a Hint link with the question. If candidates click the link, the hint defined for the question is shown in a popup window.
Show number of marks for each question Select Yes to show the maximum number of marks available for each question.
Pool Summary Level

Performance feedback at the end of each exam is grouped by question pools at the specified level. Select the question pool level under which to summarize performance by area in the Exam Summary page.  

The default value is specified in the Default Pool Summary Level System Configuration setting.

Allow participant review Select an option to allow or disallow candidates to review their exams after completion.
Participant can review Select an option to allow candidates to see their correct or incorrect answers, and whether to show the correct answers.
Display score Select this check box to show the participant their score after the exam has been completed and graded.
Reviewer Permissions Click Reviewer Permissions to configure access permissions for reviewing the exam. For example, examiners will need permission to see and grade essay questions.
After each page of questions Select an option to determine what happens when a participant clicks Submit response at the end of each section.
Check for missing answer(s) before continuing to the next page

This setting allows you to override the System setting that determines if users can skip questions for the exam.  Select Use the System Configuration to respect the organization-level setting.  Or, click Use this setting for this exam and select an option to override the System setting on the exam level.

Availability Properties

Select the check boxes to configure the availability of the exam to candidates. 

Allowing candidates to print exams provides a Print button before they start the exam. Candidates can print to printer or to a downloadable PDF. 

Allow unlimited printing of exams lets users print the exam multiple times vs. one time if this setting is not enabled.

Candidates can download exams that contain single choice, multiple choice and true/false questions only. They cannot download an exams that have IP filtering or contain invalid media paths in any questions.

If you select Disallow abandonment of a resumed exam, candidates can leave incomplete exams (and resume them) only once.

Record Post-Completion Attempts enables recording the attempts in the appropriate database tables (testinstance, testquestion#, etc.).

Record Post-Completion Higher Score allows the exam score to be updated if the post-completion attempt has a higher score, but would not update if the attempt has a lower score. While this checkbox could be selected without the other setting in the exam editor, a higher score will not be recorded if the attempt itself is not recorded.

Email Notification Select the email templates to use when a participant fails an exam, and for when they can retake a failed exam.

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