Use the reference table below to help you correctly format the question data you want to import via the Question CSV Loader.
Administrators with read-only or unrestricted access to the Exam and Question Manager feature and unrestricted access to the Data Loader feature in System Roles (Manage Features > Exam Manager Features) can import questions.
If question attributes have been defined, they are added to the end of the CSV file and prefixed with QT-.
Table: Question CSV Loader Field Reference
Field | Content | Data Handling |
Action | Action | A for Add or U for Update |
Question ID | Question ID | A unique ID that conforms to PeopleFluent LMS ID constraints. (Max field length: 85 characters) |
Question type | Question type |
Must be one of:
You cannot import Drag-and-Drop or Hotspot questions. |
Question | Question text | Any text. |
Hints | Hint text | Any text. |
Pre-Comment | Pre-comment text | Any text. |
Explanation | Explanation text | Any text. |
Image URL | Absolute or relative URL |
A valid URL for an image file. For example, or /ekp/nd/fresco/repository/q1_diagram.png. URLs can be a maximum of 255 characters in length, and must be accessible by the LMS without any additional authorization, such as Single Sign-On (SSO) authorization. The import process skips records with invalid URLs and generates an error report. |
Audio URL | Absolute or relative URL |
A valid URL for an audio file. For example, or /ekp/nd/fresco/repository/q1_soundclip.wav. URLs can be a maximum of 255 characters in length, and must be accessible by the LMS without any additional authorization, such as Single Sign-On (SSO) authorization. The import process skips records with invalid URLs and generates an error report. |
Video URL | Absolute or relative URL |
A valid URL for a video file. For example, or /ekp/nd/fresco/repository/q1_videoclip.mp4. URLs can be a maximum of 255 characters in length, and must be accessible by the LMS without any additional authorization, such as Single Sign-On (SSO) authorization. The import process skips records with invalid URLs and generates an error report. |
Other (HTML) | Text or valid HTML | Any text or valid HTML. |
CorrectAnswer | Correct Answer |
The format of the correct answer varies by question type:
Choice1 - Choice20 | Choice 1 to Choice 20 | Any text. |
Question Status | Question status | One of:
Version | number |
Any integer. Note: When updating a question on a system with Approval Mode enabled, the Version column must be either blank or one integer higher than the current active/approved version of the question in order to increment the version. |
Writer | Question writer | A valid LMS user name. |
Reviewer | Question reviewer | A valid LMS user name. |
Approver | Question approver | A valid LMS user name. |
Weighting | Question weighting for questions selected for randomized exam sections | A decimal number (for example, 1.5, 2.0, 3.7). |
Reference | Reference info | Any text. |
UsageCount | Current usage total | Any integer. |
ShuffleChoices | Always show choices in same order? | Enter Y to always present answer choices in the same order, or N to show them in a random order. |
Comment | Administration comments | Any text. Comments are not shown to exam participants. (Max field length: 512 characters) |
ExpiryDate | Question expiry date | The expiry date must be formatted as dd-MMM-yy HH:mm, where hour is in 24-hour format. |
ExpiryTimezone | Expiry date timezone | Standard timezone ID (for example, America/Los_Angeles, US/Eastern, Etc/Greenwich). |
PrimaryLanguage | Language | ISO 2-char codes (for example, en_US, fr_CA, es_ES). |
Question Pool Level 1 | Name of the Level 1 question pool to which this question belongs | The pool name must match the name of an existing question pool exactly or a new pool will be created. |
Question Pool Level 2 | Name of the Level 2 question pool to which this question belongs | The pool name must match the name of an existing sub-pool of the question pool specified in Question Pool Level 1 exactly or a new sub-pool will be created. |
Question Pool Level 3 | Name of the Level 2 question pool to which this question belongs | The pool name must match the name of an existing sub-pool of the question pool specified in Question Pool Level 3 exactly or a new sub-pool will be created. |
Read Permission Template | Read Permission Template Code | Enter the code of the template to use for read permissions. (max. 85 characters). |
Write Permission Template | Write Permission Template Code | Set write permissions by specifying the User Targeting Template Code (max. 85 characters). |
AssignReadTemplate | User Targeting Template Action |
Enter L to link to the user targeting template as the permission targeting criteria. Subsequent changes to the template will be applied to the targeting criteria. Enter C to completely copy and replace the permission settings on this object using the current configured settings from the user targeting template. Subsequent changes to the template are not applied to the targeting criteria. |
AssignWriteTemplate | User Targeting Template Action |
Enter L to link to the user targeting template as the permission targeting criteria. Subsequent changes to the template will be applied to the targeting criteria. Enter C to completely copy and replace the permission settings on this object using the current configured settings from the user targeting template. Subsequent changes to the template are not applied to the targeting criteria. |
CT-AttributeCode | Value for question attribute with specified attribute code | Any Text (Max field length:2,000). Enter *NONE* to clear. |
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