Broadcast a Message to All Users

With the Broadcast Messenger, you can send a message to all users at once. You write a message, save it, and activate it when ready. When activated, users who are logged in see the message immediately, while users who are not logged in will see the message the next time they log in.

You could use the Broadcast Messenger to send urgent organization-wide announcements, or to ask users to log out in order to carry out system maintenance. Messages are displayed in the browser's default alert dialog, with a button to dismiss them.

Administrators with unrestricted access to the Broadcast Messenger feature in System Roles (Manage Features > System Administration) can access the Broadcast Messenger to create, save and activate messages.

To create a broadcast message

  1. Go to Manage Center > Communicate > Broadcast Messenger. The Broadcast Messenger page opens, populated with the most recently saved message.
  2. Enter a title for the message.
  3. Enter the message text.
  4. To save the message without broadcasting it, select Inactive from the Status drop-down list and click Save
  5. To broadcast the message, select Active from the Status drop-down list and click Save. The message is shown to all logged-in users immediately.

While a broadcast message status remains Active, all users will see the message every time they log in. You must remember to set the message status to Inactive when you no longer need users to see it.

The Broadcast Messenger is reset when the LMS is restarted. For example, after a site is taken down for maintenance and restarted, users will not see the original message asking them to log off.


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