About Certification Approval

Learners can create self-awarded certifications which you, as their direct appraiser, can either approve or deny. If a certification approval request is no longer valid, you can update its status to Cancelled and, optionally, delete the request. Cancelled certifications are still shown in the Certifications Review page while deleted certifications are not. When you approve a certification, the certification details are shown in the following pages:

It can also be included in the LMS's certifications processes:

Learners can self-award only the certifications for which they have been given read-only access permission.

Administrators with unrestricted access to the Certification Approval feature in System Roles (Review Features > Review Features) can approve, deny, cancel and delete self-awarded certifications pending approval.

To review self-awarded certifications pending approval, go to Home > Workspace > Certification Approval.

Self-awarded certifications can also be approved or denied via the Awarded Certificates CSV Loader.

Additional Information

Review Certifications Pending Approval

About Certifications

About the Awarded Certificates CSV Loader


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