Review Training Gap Analysis in the Career Development Center

You can review the courses the reviewee needs to complete according to the job profiles assigned to them. The Training Gap Analysis page in the Career Development Center (CDC) lists the courses that the learner has not enrolled in or previously completed. This identifies the training gap between the learner's training requirements and completed training, so these courses should be in their training plan. Learners can view their training gaps in their Career Center (Home > Career Center > Training Gap Analysis).

Reviewers with read-only access to the Training Gap Analysis feature in System Roles (Review Features > Review Submenu Features) can review learners' training gaps in the CDC. You must have read-only access to the catalogs containing the courses in the list to see more details in the course catalog. To assign a course in the list to the learner, you must have unrestricted access to the Assign Module feature in System Roles (Review Features > Review Submenu Features).

To review training gap analysis in the CDC

  1. Go to Home > Workspace > Review and select Review Career Center from the learner's action menu. The CDC opens in a new window at the Career Center's Summary page.
  2. Click Training Gap Analysis. The Training Gap Analysis page opens with a list of the courses not in the learner's transcript history for the selected job profile.
  3. To see the courses required for a specific job profile assigned to the learner, select the job profile from the Job Profile drop-down  list.
  4. To see the course details page for a course, click the course name. The course details page opens.
  5. To assign a course to the learner, click Assign to User. The Enrollment Confirmation page opens, where you may need to enter additional enrollment information, such as a preferred date.
  6. Click Confirm enrollment. The learner is enrolled in the course.

Additional Information

About the Career Development Center

Review Career Center in the Career Development Center

About Job Profiles


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