Award a Certification in the Career Development Center

You can award certifications to users individually in the Career Development Center (CDC). When you award a certification, you can add a comment and enter values for any certificate award attributes for which you have at least read-only access permission. You can specify the certification's Issue Date as being the current date, or any time in the future or past. Changing the Issue Date can affect date-dependent automated processes configured in the Expiration/Renewal Policy properties for the certification, such setting the expiry date as a specific number of days after the certification is issued.

Reviewers with unrestricted access to the Review Certifications feature in System Roles (Review Features > Review Submenu Features) can award certifications in the CDC.

To award a certification in the CDC

  1. Go to Home > Workspace > Review. The Review page opens with a list of all learners for whom you are their direct appraiser.
  2. Select Review Learning Center from the action menu of the learner you want to award a certification to. The Learning Center Summary page opens in the CDC.
  3. Select Certifications from the Learning Center menu. The Certifications page opens with a list of the learner's current certifications.
  4. Click + Award New Certification. The Add Certification page opens.
  5. Click the Certification link to open the Select certification page, where you can select the certification to award the leaner.
  6. Select the certification and click OK to return to the Add Certification page. 
  7. Update the Issue Date from today's date, if required.
  8. Add a comment, if required.
  9. Complete any certificate award attributes, as required.
  10. Click Award Certification. The certification is added to the list in the Certifications page.

Additional Information

Delete an Awarded Certification in the Career Development Center

About Certifications

About Certificate Award Attributes

About the Awarded Certificates CSV Loader

eSignatures for Certifications


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