Review Accounts in the Career Development Center

You can review the account records for the learner's enrollments in the Accounts page in the Career Development Center (CDC). The values do not necessarily represent the charges paid, but can simply indicate the value attached to each training session.

The Account Display Format setting in System Roles (Data Access Control > Account Display Format) specifies whether the account information is shown in summary or detailed format. In the summary view format, for each course's enrollment only one record is shown with total values for debit and credit. In the detailed view format, account information is grouped and summarized by currency type.

Reviewers with read-only access to the Review Accounts feature in System Roles (Review Features > Review Submenu Features) can review account information relating to each training session in the CDC. Reviewers with unrestricted access can also add account information for training sessions.

To review a learner's account records in the CDC

  1. Go to Home > Workspace > Review and select Review Learning Center from the learner's action menu. The CDC opens in a new window at the Learning Center's Summary page.
  2. Click Accounts. The Accounts page opens.
  3. To add a new record, click Add. The page refreshes with a blank account record form.
  4. Complete the account transaction information for the course and click Add. The new account record is added to the Accounts page.

Additional Information

About the Career Development Center

Review Learning Center in the Career Development Center


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