Review Training Plans in the Career Development Center
You can review and edit learners' training plans in the Career Development Center (CDC). A training plan consists of one or more courses suggested by the learner's manager or appraiser.
Reviewers with read-only access to the Training Plan feature in System Roles (Review Features > Review Submenu Features) can view learners' training plans. Unrestricted access is required to edit the suggested courses in the plan or add new entries (course suggestions) to the plan.
To review a learner's training plan
- Go to and select Review Learning Center from the learner's . The CDC opens in a new window at the Learning Center's Summary page.
- Click Training Plan. The Training Plan page opens with a list of suggested courses in the plan (if any).
- Select an option from a suggested course's action menu. You can edit the suggestion details or delete it from the training plan, subject to your system role permissions.
- To view the course details for a suggested course, click the learning module/program name. The course details open in a new window.
- To add a new suggested course to the training plan, click + Create Entry. The page refreshes with a blank course suggestion form. Saved suggestions are added to the end of the training plan list.
Create a Training Plan Entry in the Career Development Center
About the Career Development Center
Review Learning Center in the Career Development Center