Run Learning Reports from the Career Development Center

You can run learning reports R213 (Individual Participant Report on Learning Programs) and R214 (Individual Participant Report on Learning Modules) for the learner you are reviewing in the Career Development Center (CDC). You can run the reports immediately or schedule them to run at a specific time.

Reviewers with read-only access to the Course Reports feature in System Roles (Manage Features > Report Categories) can run learning reports in the CDC.

To run learning reports in the CDC

  1. Go to Home > Workspace > Review and select Review Learning Center from the learner's action menu. The CDC opens in a new window at the Learning Center's Summary page.
  2. Click Learning Reports. The Learning Reports page opens.
  3. Click one of the learning report links. The report opens in a new window.
  4. Select the output format for the report.
  5. Click the Learning Module link or box to select the course or program to report on. The selector opens in a new window.
  6. Optionally, select the course or program's beginning and ending date to determine if its transcript is included in the report.
  7. For learner's with multiple assignments, select the check box to include courses or programs from any of the learner's assignments.
  8. Click one of the buttons to run or schedule the report.

Additional Information

About the Career Development Center

Review Learning Center in the Career Development Center


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