About Job Profile, Competency and Training Statuses

You can view learners' job profile, competency and training statuses in each of the tabs in the Review page. The statuses are indicated by one of three icons:

The grace period icon is shown if a learner is within a reminder period to retake a course before it expires.

The table below describes the meaning of each indicator for job profiles, competencies and learning modules.

Table: Review Page Indicator Reference

  Green check  Complete indicator Red warning triange  Incomplete indicator Orange warning circle  Grace period indicator
Job Profile Indicates all the required competencies have been awarded. Indicates all the required competencies have not been awarded. If all the required competencies are awarded but one of the required competencies is in the grace period, the job profile will be indicated as being in the grace period.
Competency Indicates all the required modules have been completed. Indicates not all the required modules have been completed. If all the required modules are completed but one of the required modules has a new revision released, the competency will be indicated as being in the grace period.
Learning Module Indicates the learning module has been completed. Indicates the learning module has not been completed. If the new released revision of the learning module is not completed, the learning module will be indicated as being in the grace period.

Use the Competency Profile as of filter to view the competency statuses for a specific date.

To view the status of a job profile's competencies and learning modules for a learner, go to Home > Workspace > Review.

Reviewers with read-only or unrestricted access to the Review Menu feature in System Roles (Review Features > Review Features) can access the Review page.

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View Job Profile, Competency and Training Statuses

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