About SFIA Libraries

The Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) provides a common, standardized library of definitions for skills and competencies that can be used by the LMS to evaluate employees.

You can import libraries defined in the SFIA up to version 5. The libraries are structured in categories and subcategories, with each subcategory containing one or more competencies. You can add individual competencies or an entire category or subcategory to your competency models.

The competencies in SFIA libraries include proficiency levels with detailed descriptions, which you can edit when the competencies have been imported into your competency models.

Administrators with unrestricted access to the Competency Library feature in System Roles (Manage Features > Competency Manager Features) can import and delete SFIA libraries, and add competencies to competency models.

To manage SFIA libraries, go to Manage Center > Talent > Library.

Additional Information

Import an SFIA Library

Add SFIA Library Competencies to a Competency Model

Delete an SFIA Library, Category or its Competencies



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