Create a Job Profile

Administrators with unrestricted access to the Job Profiles feature in System Roles (Manage Features > Competency Manager Features) can create a job profile.

To create a job profile

  1. Go to Manage Center > Talent > Job Profiles. The Job Profiles page opens with a list of the catalogs at the top level of the hierarchy.
  2. Select the catalog in which to create a new job profile.
  3. Click the + Job Profile. The new job profile's Details tab opens.
  4. Enter the details for the new job profile.
  5. Click Save. The job profile is added to the list for the selected catalog.

Additional Information

Job Profile Details Field Reference

Group Assign a Job Profile

About Auto-assigning Learners to Job Profiles

Configure Job Profile Auto-assignment Criteria

About Job Profiles

Edit a Job Profile

Clone a Job Profile

Delete a Job Profile 


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