
You can configure news articles to display in the News fly-out on the home page, on the login page, in Knowledge Centers, in the Career Development Center, and in the News widget on the widget page. 

News articles can:

Before creating news articles, PeopleFluent recommends creating News Categories to organize them. This can help you keep track of articles for different purposes (see Example Use Cases, below).

You can specify the number of news articles to display in the home page and News widget in the Number of News Articles to Display System Configuration setting.

To use HTML markup in news articles, the Enable WYSIWYG Editor System Configuration setting must be enabled.

Administrators with read-only access to the Communicate Menu feature in System Roles (Learner-Oriented Features > Learn Features) can configure news articles. News articles also have permissions for viewing and editing in the Manage Center.

To configure news articles, go to Manage Center > Communicate > News Articles.

To configure news article categories, go to Manage Center > Communicate > News Category Configuration.

Example Use Cases

You can use news articles to distribute:

Targeting Users

You can target news items to:

After creating a news article you can define a target group by specifying a target set, then narrowing this distribution list by specifying additional recipient subsets.

Additional Information

Create a News Article

Configure a News Article's Target Audience

Edit a News Article

Delete a News Article

About Polls

Configure News Categories

About Communication



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