Why does the help differ from what I see on the screen?

We have made the PeopleFluent Learning interface highly configurable so that our customers can fit the application to their unique organizational structure, process, and data needs.

The help content is based on the default, out-of-the-box pages, page elements, permissions, and fields that come with the standard application offering. If your company has customized the application, there will be times when the online help does not describe exactly what you see on the screen. For example, the help might describe sections on a page that are not visible to you (due to custom permissions) or there may be fields on a page that the help does not mention (due to your company's unique data-collection requirements).  

If you think you should have access to something mentioned in the help but not visible on the screen, contact your PeopleFluent Learning  System Administrator for help with permissions.


Why does the help differ from what I see on the screen?


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