Allowed Transitions Between Dynamic Attribute Types

Table: Allowed transitions between dynamic attribute types

Transition Effect on objects that have assigned a value to the attribute
From Drop-Down to Free Text The drop-down attribute value on the object will be changed to the drop-down value code as free text. The possible dynamic attribute values configured for the former drop-down dynamic attribute will be deleted.
From Free Text to Drop-Down Existing free text values on objects will be used to generate a set of possible dynamic attribute values for the new drop-down dynamic attribute.
From Free Text to Text Area Existing free text values on objects will be moved to the text area.
From Free Text to Numeric All free text values on objects will be checked to make sure they are either blank or numeric values before the change is allowed to take place.
From Numeric to Free Text The numeric values on objects will become free text.
From Text Area to Free Text Existing text area values on objects will be moved to the free text.

Additional Information

Edit a Module Attribute

Edit a Session Attribute

Edit a Transcript Attribute

Edit a Class Resource Attribute

Edit an Organization Attribute

Edit a Certificate Award Attribute

Edit a Question Attribute


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