Background task schedules are saved as Outline Processor Markup Language (OPML) files.
Hourly import tasks are saved in imports-hourly.opml. Hourly export tasks are saved in exports-hourly.opml.
Tasks defined in imports-daily.opml and exports-daily.opml will be run daily. You can configure the hour of the day at which daily tasks are run by setting the value of the system.handlerstarttime property in WEB-INF/conf/ The value can be an integer between 0 and 23 inclusive. By default, daily tasks run at 3 a.m. To schedule daily tasks to run at 11 p.m., for example, set the value to 23 (system.handlerstarttime=23).
You can configure the day of the week on which weekly tasks are run by setting the value of the system.handlerStartDayOfWeek property in WEB-INF/conf/ The value can be an integer between 1 and 7 inclusive, with 1 denoting Sunday and 7 denoting Saturday. By default, weekly tasks run on Sunday. Weekly tasks run at the same hour of the day as daily tasks. To schedule weekly tasks to run on a Saturday, for example, set the value to 7 (system.handlerstarttime=7).
Monthly tasks always run on the first day of the month, at the same hour of the day as daily tasks.
Additional Information
About the Background Task Console
Create a Scheduled Import or Export Background Task