Background Task Schedules

Background task schedules are saved as Outline Processor Markup Language (OPML) files.

Hourly Schedules

Hourly import tasks are saved in imports-hourly.opml. Hourly export tasks are saved in exports-hourly.opml.

Daily Schedules

Tasks defined in imports-daily.opml and exports-daily.opml will be run daily. You can configure the hour of the day at which daily tasks are run by setting the value of the system.handlerstarttime property in WEB-INF/conf/ The value can be an integer between 0 and 23 inclusive. By default, daily tasks run at 3 a.m. To schedule daily tasks to run at 11 p.m., for example, set the value to 23 (system.handlerstarttime=23).

Weekly Schedules

You can configure the day of the week on which weekly tasks are run by setting the value of the system.handlerStartDayOfWeek property in WEB-INF/conf/ The value can be an integer between 1 and 7 inclusive, with 1 denoting Sunday and 7 denoting Saturday. By default, weekly tasks run on Sunday. Weekly tasks run at the same hour of the day as daily tasks. To schedule weekly tasks to run on a Saturday, for example, set the value to 7 (system.handlerstarttime=7).

Monthly Schedules

Monthly tasks always run on the first day of the month, at the same hour of the day as daily tasks.

Additional Information

About the Background Task Console

Create a Scheduled Import or Export Background Task

Background Task Console Task Types

OPML Background Task Definition Files


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