View and Run Scheduled Tasks

Administrators with unrestricted or read-only access to the System Administration feature in System Roles (Manage Features > System Administration) can view and run scheduled tasks on demand. You can filter the scheduled tasks list by task frequency or type.

To view and run scheduled tasks

  1. Go to Manage Center > System > Scheduled Tasks. The Scheduled Tasks page opens with a list of scheduled tasks.
  2. To filter the list of tasks, select a frequency, task type, or both from the corresponding drop-down lists.
  3. To view more detailed information about the last 10 times a task ran, click the task name.
  4. To run a task manually, select Run from its action menu, then click OK in the confirmation dialog. On completion, the Task Completed page opens with a status message.
  5. To run multiple tasks together, select their check boxes and then select Run Scheduled Tasks from the Bulk Action drop-down list.

Additional Information

About Scheduled Tasks


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