About the Auto-Enroll Console

Administrators with unrestricted access to the Auto-Enroll Console can configure settings for the auto-enroll scanning interval, view a list of users that are auto-enrolled and the list of targeted courses, and check the auto-enrollment log. For course sessions that have auto-enrollment criteria configured, you can specify when and how often the LMS scans user accounts for people who match the criteria. Users who match are then automatically enrolled in the session.

To update the Auto-Enroll Console settings, your user role must have unrestricted access to the Auto-Enroll Console feature in System Roles (Manage Features > Catalog Manager Features).

To open the Auto-Enroll Console, go to Manage Center > Learning > Auto-Enroll Console.

The Auto-Enroll Console page contains the following tabs:

Additional Information

Auto-Enroll Console tab

List Users Auto-Enrolled in a Course

Auto-Enroll Log

Target Courses

Configure Auto Enrollment Criteria


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