Learning Module Enrollment Policy Properties

The table below describes the properties in the Define Enrollment Policy page in the Catalog Editor. 

Table: Learning Module Enrollment Policy Properties

Property Description
This module/program currently allows public access Select this check box to allow public users (that is, users who are not logged into the LMS) to access this course.
Allow self-enrollment Select this check box to allow learners to enroll in the course themselves.
Allow user to WITHDRAW

Select this check box to allow learners to withdraw their enrollments before starting the course. 

Prompt user for reason for the withdrawal

If Allow user to WITHDRAW is selected, select this check box to prompt the learner for a reason for withdrawing their enrollment.

To record the withdrawal and withdrawal reason in the learner's transcript record, the System Configuration options Retain transcript records for user withdrawals or withdrawal equivalents and Record all withdrawals (except withdrawals performed using the group withdrawal function) must be enabled. For more information, see About Course Withdrawal.

Allow user to mark Completed (Self-Asserted) Select this check box to allow participants to mark their enrollments as completed.
Allow status changes to be made at any time (e.g., ignore standard business rules) Select this check box to allow learners to change their enrollment at any time. For example, it allows participants to withdraw from the course after starting it. You do not need to select this check box to enable administrators to change a participant's enrollment status in the Catalog Editor.
Allow session transfer

Select this check box to allow learners to transfer onto an alternative session, either by themselves or by a reviewer. A Session Transfer button is available for the transcript if:

  • The transcript status is Not Started, In Process, or Session Selection Needed
  • There are alternative sessions satisfying all of the following requirements:
    • Status of Active, Invitation only, or Prompt user to select session
    • Start Date that is in the future or not specified
    • Current date within the Enrollment Period
    • The number of participants is less than the maximum

A reviewer with the Session Transfer and Review Records/Transcript Access Controls can also carry out Session Transfers regardless of this setting.

Disallow re-enrollment Select this option to prevent learners from re-enrolling in the course when they have one or more previous enrollments with status Completed, Completed Self-Asserted, Waiver/Exempt, Passed, or Failed
Allow re-enrollment after day(s) Select this option to allow learners who have one or more previous enrollments with status Completed, Completed Self-Asserted, Waiver/Exempt, Passed, or Failed to re-enroll or be re-enrolled after a number of days you specify.
Select organization constraints Use this property to restrict access to the module to specific organizations. Click to select the organizations that are allowed access to this module. Leave this box blank to allow all organizations to access it.
Assign user constraint(s) Use this property to restrict access to the module to specific users. Click to select the users that are allowed access to this module.
Remove assigned user(s) Click to remove the selected user from the list of users that are allowed access to this module.
Policy Name Click the browse icon to select a different enrollment policy from the default, if required. Click the trashcan icon to revert to the Default Policy.
Organization / User Group

Use these options to specify different enrollment policies for members of individual organizations and user groups, which take precedence over the enrollment policy selected for the course in the Policy Name field.

Click the browse icons to select the organization or user group and the enrollment policy to assign to members of it for this learning module.

Click Add organization policy and User Group Policy to add different policies for different organizations and user groups.

Allow a configured organization enrollment policy to take precedence over this course policy If you added an enrollment policy for members of an organization, you can check the box to ensure that an enrollment policy that has been specified (in Manage Center > Users > Organization Maintenance) for the learner's organization takes precedence.
Apply Enrollment Policy when transferring from a "Prompt User to Select Session" session Select this check box to apply the Enrollment Policy if the learners are transferred from a Prompt User to Select Session session.
Allow reopen Select this check box to allow learners to re-open the course and download resources after they have completed it. Learners do not gain additional credit for completing the course again.

Additional Information 

Define an Enrollment Policy for a Learning Module

About Enrollment Policies

About the Default Enrollment Policy

Organization-level Enrollment Policies

About Course Withdrawal

Session Transfer


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