Organization-level Enrollment Policies

Organization-level enrollment policies enable approval workflow to be determined by a user's organization rather than requiring all organizations to use the same course-specific enrollment policy.

When enrollment policies are assigned to a course, all users who self-enroll in that course have the same enrollment policy, which may or may not require approval. By contrast an organization-level enrollment policy is assigned at the organization unit level and, optionally, configured in the course enrollment policy as taking precedence over an approval-based policy selected for the course. You can configure an enrollment policy for all organizations that require an organization-based approach to approval workflow. 

Users can often belong to a hierarchy of organization units. For example, user A can belong in:

Each organization in the hierarchy can have its own enrollment policy, and when determining which policy to use, the LMS works from the bottom of the hierarchy up. In the example above, if the Sales and Sales and Marketing organization units have their own separate enrollment policies, the LMS would use the policy configured for Sales (assuming the organization level policy is configured to take precedence over the approval-based policy assigned to the course).

Organization-specific enrollment policies are defined in Organization Maintenance (Manage Center > Users > Organization Maintenance).

All courses must have an enrollment policy, which you configure in the Define Enrollment Policy module properties. The DEFAULT POLICY is not an approval-based policyenrollments in a course with the DEFAULT POLICY do not require approval processing. 

An organization-level policy will be used for enrollment processing only when all of the following conditions are true:

Additional Information

Define an Enrollment Policy for a Learning Module

About Enrollment Policies

Learning Module Enrollment Policy Properties


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