Associate User Profiles with Trusted Sites

User profiles specify default properties for user accounts, such as organizations, skins and attributes. You can associate a specific user profile with each trusted site that you have configured in System Configuration. If the Automatically create user accounts and enrollments for proxied course launches System Configuration setting is enabled, user accounts can be created by proxied launch requests from trusted sites, and inherit the user profile associated with them.

To associate a user profile with a trusted site

  1. Go to Manage Center > System > System Configuration. The System Configuration page opens.
  2. Select General from the Category drop-down list.
  3. In the Trusted Sites for Proxied Course Launches (one per line) setting append |profile= followed by the profile ID to the URL of the trusted site. For example,|profile=my-profile.
  4. Click Save.

Additional Information

Generate a Proxied Launch Package

Associate User ID Templates with Trusted Sites


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