The AI Assistant Recommendations feature suggests courses that may interest learners by analyzing their training history. The recommendations are indicated by a star rating based on the level of relevance to the learner. When activated, learners can see recommended courses in the AI Assistant Recommendations page in the Learning Center.
Courses from the learner's training history are used to retrieve associated courses from two areas:
The system only displays courses that are in catalogs that the learner has permission to view.
A Recommendations widget is available that allow learners to view AI Assistant Recommendations.
It is possible that the learner's training history or selected course does not have sufficient information to warrant a recommendation. In this case, the learner is presented with the following message:
Sorry, but there is not yet enough interaction and training analysis to provide you with meaningful course recommendations.
To configure an LMS site to include the AI Assistant Recommendations page in the Learner Center menu, add the following item under the Learning Center sub-menu in navigations.xml:
<item labelKey="" txCode="RECOMMENDEDCOURSES"/>
Additional Information
About the AI Assistant Recommendations Ratings Task