Using AI Assistant Recommendations  

Users have several options available to refine the recommendations, which are themselves presented with a 'star' rating indicating the most relevant recommendations and an active link on each course title to take the user to the corresponding catalog page.  

Recommendation Focus

Additional items, if configured:

Courses to Consider

Display Limit

The number of recommendations returned is limited to the number selected in this field.  Typically, these are returned in the order of relevance.  The exception is the Random Recommendations focus.

Additional Recommended Course Information

Course Language

Previously, the courses only showed the primary language, and not any language bundles for the logged-in user’s language. This has been changed so courses with language bundles in the language selected by the logged-in user will display.  Courses without language bundles in the selected language will display the primary language bundle.  This is the same functionality as Catalog Browse and Catalog Search.

Catalog Visibility

Previously, all courses appeared, regardless of catalog permissions.  This has been changed to only allow courses visible to the learner via Search or Browse to appear for Recommendations.  These are courses that are configured to show in a catalog and assigned to catalogs that the user has permission to view.

Active Sessions

Classroom courses without active sessions will currently appear in results.  There is an existing system configuration "Show the 'Only show items with active schedule(s)' option" that controls what appears in search results.  This will also apply to the AI Assistant Recommendations.

If this is enabled, a new option will display allowing users to select whether or not to "Show only 'Active' sessions," which is the same functionality on the Search page.

Additional Information

About AI Assistant Recommendations

About the AI Assistant Recommendations Ratings Task

Configuring AI Assistant Recommendations


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