About Enrollment Approval

Enrollment approval is required for courses with an enrollment policy that includes one or more approval steps. The policy's Approver Selection Type specifies who can approve or deny each step of the enrollment in the Enrollment Approval page, therefore you can approve or deny an enrollment approval step for learners only if you match the approver selection specified for an approval step.

When learners enroll in a course that requires enrollment approval, they send a request to the designated approver on enrollment. They must then wait until the enrollment is approved before they can launch the course or access its knowledge center. This is also the case for auto-enrollment unless the Ignore Prerequisites and Enrollment Approval Steps for Automatic Enrollments System Configuration setting is enabled.

On the Enrollment Approval page you can:

Administrators with at least read-only access to the Enrollment Approval feature in System Roles (Review Features > Review Features) can approve or deny enrollments.

To approve or deny enrollments, go to Home > Workspace > Enrollment Approval.

Additional Information

Approve or Deny Enrollments

Delegate Enrollment Approval

About Enrollment Policies

About the Career Development Center

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About Token Payments


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