Delegate Enrollment Approval

You can delegate enrollment approval to other users for a period of time. Users you delegate approval to can approve or deny enrollment approvals assigned to you by the enrollment policy.

Administrators with at least read-only access to the Enrollment Approval feature in System Roles (Review Features > Review Features) can delegate enrollment approval.

To delegate enrollment approval

  1. Go to Home > Workspace > Enrollment Approval. The Enrollment Approval page opens with a list of your pending approvals.
  2. Click the Click here to delegate approval authority to other users text. The Delegation page opens with a list of users you have delegated approval authority to for the specified period.
  3. Click Add new entry.
  4. Enter or browse for a user to delegate approval authority to.
  5. Select the start and end dates for the period they can approve or deny enrollments on your behalf. 
  6. Click Save. The user is added to the list on the Delegation page.
  7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 to add new delegates.

Additional Information

About Enrollment Approval

Approve or Deny Enrollments

About Enrollment Policies


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