Review Records/Transcripts in the Career Development Center

You can review a learner's learning records (also called transcripts) in the Learning page of the Career Development Center (CDC). Depending on your System Role access permissions, you may also update the learner's transcripts, enroll other learners in a course, and view the course's transcript history.

Reviewers with read-only access to the Review Records/Transcript and Review Transcript History features in System Roles (Review Features > Review Submenu Features) can view records/transcripts in the CDC. Unrestricted access is required to make changes to transcript data, such as the performance grade.

Reviewers with the Assign Module feature in System Roles (Review Features > Review Submenu Features) can assign modules to the learner in the CDC.

The Enable Transcript History System Configuration setting must be enabled to view changes to the transcript.

To review records/transcripts in the CDC

  1. Go to Home > Workspace > Review and select Review Learning Center from the learner's action menu. The CDC opens in a new window at the Learning Center's Summary page.
  2. Click Learning. The Learning page opens at the Enrolled Courses tab.
  3. Click Records/Transcript. The Records/Transcript tab lists the learner's courses.
  4. To view or edit a transcript, click its name in the list. The transcript details open in a new window, where you can also view the transcript history, if enabled.
  5. To print the transcript details for a course, select Print Transcript from the course's action menu.
  6. To assign a course to the learner, click + Assign learning module. A learning module search page opens where you can search for a course, view its details and assign it to the learner or enroll other users.
  7. To print the list of courses, with their status, start and end dates, and score, click Print.

Additional Information

Review Enrollments in the Career Development Center

Review External Training Record in the Career Development Center

About the Career Development Center

Review Learning Center in the Career Development Center


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