Compliance Analysis Types

You can select the following types of analysis:

The Modules type considers transcripts for the selected target learning only and does not drill down into program components.

The Program Sessions type considers transcripts for modules in the selected target program session.

For the Program Progress type, for each selected target program session the analysis identifies an appropriate enrollment for the learner and produces results against transcripts within the identified enrollment's transcript hierarchy.

The following scenario shows the difference between the three analysis types:

The learner's records would look like this:

Table: Learner Transcripts

Transcript ID Module ID Status
T1 O1 Completed
T2 P1 In Process
T3 O1 Failed

Using default settings, the compliance analysis for the learner and program session would show the following results:

Table: Results of Compliance Analysis

Type Compliance Status Considered Transcripts
Modules Not Compliant T2
Program Sessions Compliant T1
Program Progress Not Compliant T2, T3

Additional Information

Select the Modules or Program Sessions for Compliance


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