Select Participants for Compliance Analytics

You can select participants for analysis individually (without grouping) or by one or the following grouping methods:

To select participants for compliance analysis

  1. Go to Home > Reports > Compliance Analytics. The Compliance Analytics page opens.
  2. To include all participants by organization, user group or appraiser, select a grouping criteria from the Participants grouped by drop-down list. To select participants individually, select No grouping.
  3. Click in the Organizations or User Groups boxes to select them, or click the browse icon to select direct appraisers or individual participants. The appropriate selector dialog opens.
  4. If you selected participants by organization or user group and you want to include participants with closed accounts, select the Include closed user accounts check box.

Next step: Select the Modules or Program Sessions for Compliance

Additional Information

Select the Transcripts for Compliance Analytics

Select the Criteria for Transcript Compliance

Filter Compliance Results

About Compliance Analytics


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