Allowed Transitions Between Enrollment Statuses

The table below lists the enrollment statuses you can change a learner to depending on their current status.

Table: Allowed Transitions Between Enrollment Statuses

Current Status Allowed target statuses
Not Started Completed, Failed, Deactivated, In Process, No show, Waiver/Exempt, Withdrawn, Withdraw - Invalid Reason, Withdraw - Valid Reason
In Process Completed, Excused, Failed, Deactivated, No show, Waiver/Exempt, Withdrawn, Withdraw - Invalid Reason, Withdraw - Valid Reason
Completed Failed, Deactivated, In Process, Waiver/Exempt
Withdrawn Withdraw - Invalid Reason, Withdraw - Valid Reason
Failed Completed, In Process, Waiver/Exempt
No show Completed, Failed, In Process, Waiver/Exempt
Waiver/Exempt Completed, Failed, Deactivated, In Process
Withdraw - Valid Reason Withdraw - Invalid Reason
Withdraw - Invalid Reason Withdraw - Valid Reason
Excused N/A
Dropped from Waitlist N/A
Deactivated Completed, Failed, In Process, No show, Waiver/Exempt

Additional Information

About the Enrollment Wizard

Update Enrollment Status in the Enrollment Wizard


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