Update Enrollment Status in the Enrollment Wizard
Reviewers with unrestricted access to the Enrollment Wizard and Change Enrollment Status features in System Roles (Review Features > Review Features) can update learners' enrollment status and extend their course deadlines in the Enrollment Wizard.
To update learners' enrollment status via the Enrollment Wizard
- Go to . The Enrollment Wizard page opens.
- Select Change Enrollment Status from the Action drop-down list.
- Click the Module(s) + icon to open the learning Module(s) selector page.
- Select one or more courses and click OK.
- Click the Participant(s) + icon to open the learning Participant(s) selector page.
- Select one or more participants and click OK.
- Select Change overall status from the Change enrollment procedure drop-down list.
- If you do not want emails relating to the new status to be sent automatically, select the Suppress automatic e-mails check box.
- Select the new status for the selected users and courses from the Target Status drop-down list.
- Click Change Enrollment Status. The page refreshes with a summary report which shows the number of successful and failed status changes.
- Click Back to Enrollment Wizard. A record of the status update attempt is added to the top of the History list.
- Click the links to download the status change processing log file and CSV error report to see more details about the status change and any reasons for failure respectively.
To extend the deadline for the selected courses and participants
- Follow steps 1 to 6, listed above.
- Select Extend module deadline from the Change enrollment procedure drop-down list.
- Enter the number of days extension.
- Click Change Enrollment Status. The page refreshes with a summary report which shows the number of successful and failed status changes.
About the Enrollment Wizard
Allowed Transitions Between Enrollment Statuses
Enroll Learners in the Enrollment Wizard